Local Resources
The Kansas City Area Business Directory
Looking for a vendor or top-rated local business in The Kansas City Area? Search through our directory of recommended businesses, providers, vendors, and other local resources. Need more recommendations? Just give us a call!
Legacy Home inspections
Phone: 913-484-4157
Web URL: https://www.lhi-kc.com/
We're the Largest Home Inspection Company in Kansas City!
Most companies do 200 inspections per year. The large ones do 600...
We'll do 6000We're the Largest Home Inspection Company in Kansas City!
Most companies do 200 inspections per year. The large ones do 600...
We'll do 6000We're the Largest Home Inspection Company in Kansas City!
Most companies do 200 inspections per year. The large ones do 600...
We'll do 6000