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Wilson Haag, PLLC
Overland Park, Kansas 66209
Professional Accounting Services
Don’t you prefer a blend of expertise and professional experience?
WilsonHaag, PLLC defends your bottom line with our professional tax and accounting service expertise by seasoned CPAs. Our clients have enjoyed the benefit of tools for success that we have provided for over 40 years. We also provide a complete line of business accounting services, individual financial planning services, and business consulting.
We have all of the resources you might need whether you are an established businesses and individuals alike who are seeking expert accounting services. Our in-house staff specializes in accurate, efficient accounting, Quickbooks services, business consulting, tax preparations, and even audits. We are always here to help.
If you need dependable tax and accounting services, for your business or personal affairs, WilsonHaag is a CPA accounting firm with the years of experience necessary to offer you the solutions for your bookkeeping, tax planning, investment planning, accounting services, and much more.
Feel free to reach out to us for help in any of our realms of expertise. We are certain you won’t be disappointed by the value that we bring to the table.